Exceptional Impact
Donors like you have been giving to the mission of RDYO for over half a century. Thank you for trusting us to provide youth with orchestral training program that centered on their journey of self-discovery and belonging.
In the 2023-2024 season, your gift has enabled us to serve 167 children and youth, offer 560 hours of
instruction, give out 26 bursary &scholarships and perform in 20 different concerts & events for over
5,000 people in the community.
Our Sponsors
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia, the BC Arts Council, City of Richmond, the Metro Vancouver’s Regional Cultural Project Grant program.

Our 2023-24 Donors
Anonymous | Anon Anon | Anthony Wong | Arunee Sriban | Ava Xin Cui | Catherine Wu |
Century Chiropractic Clinic Inc. | Cherry Li | Chiann Yang | Colin Percival | Daniel Sheinin | David Shih | Dean Markel | Debra Saimoto | Dimitri Kotsalis | Dr. Michael Lau Inc. | Emma Ge | Eric Zhang | Fang Zhao | Fion Yang | Garth Edwards |
Greta Cornejo | Hong Lin | Howard Ellsworth | Isabella Chin | Irv Loewen | Jacqueline Cowie | James Clark | Jenny Xu |
Jessica Feng | Jingfei Guo | Joey Tai | Joseph Elworthy | K Poon | Ken Hughes | Kristine West-Sells | Laura Kumi Saimoto |
Lynda Anne Markel | Manti Poon | Marguerita Gomez | Michele Lau | Mimi Lam | Miranda Cam | Mona Shum |
Nadia Sandulak | Natalie Kuo | Natsuko Motegi | Nebojsa Stefanovic | Nini Mao | Peihong Li | Qiuping Liao | Robin Black |
Richmond Chinatown Lions Club | Sharon Jacobs | Shinta Suwita | Shobna Kannusamy | Simon Chen | Siu Han Lee |
Stanley Hsu | Stephen Robb | Tetyana Krygina | Tian Zhang | Trang Trinh | Vanessa Sobie | Winnie Siu | Xiao Yan