Why Support the RDYO?

The RDYO helps youth develop their talent and realize their full potential as musicians. Our young musicians learn discipline, teamwork, responsibility, leadership and creativity, and become key contributors to society after graduation.

Whether by teaching music, by playing professionally, or by patronizing the arts through concert attendance, RDYO’s alumni enrich the cultural life of communities across Canada. Did you know that almost 90% of all professional orchestra musicians in Canada are graduates of youth orchestra programs? Please click on the link below to find out more about the benefits of sponsorship.

Sponsorship brochure


RDYO accepts donations through Charitable Impact & Canada Helps. Please click on the donation icons below to choose the secure donation platform of your choice. Your donations allow us continue our operations, outreach programs and to assure our future. We are grateful for your support!

Charitable registration #: 118884188 RR 0001

donate at Charitable Impact

Donate now at CanadaHelps

Your Donations at Work

Your donations make it possible for us to not just Survive, but THRIVE!  We perform various concerts in our community throughout the year. Your donations make it possible for us to bring in wonderful guest musicians and guest artists to train and inspire our students, and also support our annual music development camp for our young musicians each fall.


Our Sponsors

DYO expresses their full appreciation for these generous sponsors and gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the following sponsors.



GOLD (up to $5,000)






SILVER (up to $1000